Public Hearings Scheduled April 10-12 about Proposed FY19 Operating Budget
On Thursday, March 15, County Executive Ike Leggett released his proposed FY19 Operating Budget. Here is the full budget document. The County Executive’s Grants List begins on page 677 of the document.
Additionally, you can explore the budget through the Open Budget website, which allows for in-depth exploration of budget areas.
Opportunities for Advocacy:
The budget did not include contract adjustments or inflationary increases for nonprofit contracts. Past policy decisions made by the County Council and Executive, such as minimum wage increases, background check requirements, and cybersecurity insurance requirements for county contracts, raise costs of doing business. Additionally, costs rise each year due to inflation. Flat funding for nonprofit contracts across County departments means that providers are faced with the difficult choice of cutting essential services or searching for additional funding through limited outside sources to continue providing the same level of service.
Nonprofit Montgomery advocates for increases to County contracts to address these needs, in all departments that contract with nonprofit providers.
Starting in April, the Council is holding a series of public hearings about the budget. Sign up to testify about the impact of the County budget on your organization at one of the Operating Budget public hearings:
April 10, 7pm
April 11, 1:30pm and 7pm
April 12, 1:30 and 7pm