Action Alerts

White House Rescinds Freeze on Federal Grants – Advocacy and Updates

2025-01-29T17:23:36-05:00January 29th, 2025|Action Alerts, Advocacy|

White House Rescinds Freeze on Federal Grants – Advocacy and Updates

Nonprofit Montgomery is relieved to learn that the White House has reversed its decision to freeze essential federal grants and funding. Like many of you, we were alarmed that the new federal administration had issued a memo pausing federal grant funding — a move that could have disrupted vital resources for nonprofits, as well as state and local governments nationwide.

Nonprofit groups swiftly took action and filed a lawsuit challenging the freeze, leading U.S. District Judge Loren L. AliKhan to issue an administrative stay just minutes before the freeze was set to take effect.

Since this news broke, we have been actively engaged with key stakeholders to understand the implications and advocate for the nonprofit sector. We have been in contact with the offices of Congressman Raskin (District 8), Congresswoman Delaney (District 6), Senators Van Hollen and Alsobrooks, as well as DHHS, the County Executive’s Office, County Council President Stewart, Councilmember Albornoz, and MCPS. Additionally, we are closely monitoring updates from Maryland Nonprofits and the National Council of Nonprofits.

Our representatives at all levels of government are working to gather more information and assess the full impacts of these actions.

If President Trump’s Executive Orders will jeopardize your organization, please fill out this short survey

Advocacy Update: County Executive Budget Forums

2022-11-28T10:39:43-05:00November 26th, 2022|Action Alerts, Advocacy|

We are in the FY24 County budget season, and County Executive Elrich’s budget forums are in
full swing. Please consider joining one of the budget forums to speaking up for our sector. Sharing the impact of your work makes a difference. Nonprofits not only provide services to the vulnerable but also build community and innovate solutions to challenging social problems. And, that work cannot happen without a true partnership and investment from the County.

Suggested talking points: Your mission, who and where you serve, why it is important that you are able to continue to provide services, and how you leverage county dollars to attract additional funding.

Questions you can ask: 1. Can we ensure that nonprofits receive an annual increase that is on par with that given to County employees? 2. How can we provide more opportunities for grant funding to smaller, newer organizations and those that are led by people of color and/or have not received grants from the County previously?

Upcoming Forums:

  • Monday, Nov. 21: Silver Spring Region
  • Monday, Nov. 28: Leisure World with Satellite Viewing Locations, Older Adult Population
  • Tuesday, Nov. 29: East County Region, Chinese Language
  • Wednesday, Dec. 7: East County Region
  • Monday, Dec.12: Upcounty Region
  • Wednesday, Dec.14: Bethesda Region

Nonprofit Montgomery’s Advocacy:
Nonprofit Montgomery’s Advocacy and Development Director Franca Brilliant attended the Mid-County Budget forum on November 14 and testified in support of nonprofits in Montgomery County. Click here to read her questions and here to hear how the County Executive responded (starts 1:37:30).

Nonprofit Montgomery Action Alert – May 10, 2019

2019-05-14T11:23:43-04:00May 10th, 2019|Action Alerts, Advocacy|

Dear Nonprofit Montgomery Members:

If you have not contacted our Councilmembers to emphasize the importance a 3% increase in County contracts with nonprofits, please do so today.   

Work on the reconciliation list is coming to a close. We need many voices to support contract increases—emails to the Councilmembers from nonprofits, board members, and friends are very important.

The County Council Health & Human Services (HHS) Committee has recommended a 3% increase for County contracts with nonprofits in DHHS—but in increments. Please emphasize the importance of the full 3%. Here is the background on why this is so important, and click here for the sample email you can send.

Take a few moments this afternoon to forward this request to board members and volunteers. Tell them why it’s important to your organization, and ask them to email the Councilmembers.

Advocacy Alert: Friday, January 11, 2019

2019-01-11T10:27:19-05:00January 11th, 2019|Action Alerts, Advocacy|

We are entering the FY20 County budget season, and County Executive Elrich’s budget forums willbegin next week.

County Executive Marc Elrich is holding five community forums to gather feedback from the public on the FY20 operating budget.

We encourage all Nonprofit Montgomery members to attend. Also, invite your board members to attend and speak to the importance of the nonprofit sector. It is critical to have the voices of the nonprofit sector heard at all points of the budget process.

Suggested talking points:

  • Your organization and role (board member, ED, etc)
  • Identify yourself as a member of  Nonprofit Montgomery
  • Briefly say who you serve and why it’s important
  • Note that the County’s continued support for nonprofits is essential for a healthy, thriving community
  • Nonprofits provide services more efficiently and effectively and leverage county dollars to attract additional funding
  • Thank the County for their partnership.
Thank you for speaking out for nonprofits and the people we serve.
Forum Dates and Locations
January 14, 7pm – BlackRock Center for the Arts, 12901 Town Commons Dr., Germantown
January 16, 7pm – Silver Spring Civic Building, One Veterans Place, Silver Spring
January 22, 7pm – Eastern Montgomery Regional Services Center, 3300 Briggs Chaney Road, Silver Spring
January 23, 7pm – Mid-County Recreation Center, 2004 Queensguard Rd., Silver Spring
February 4, 7pm – Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School, 4301 East West Hwy, Bethesda.

The County Executive will announce his recommended FY20 Operating Budget on March 15 and the County Council approves the operating budget at the end of May.

If sign language interpretation, other services, or aids are needed to participate in this activity, call 240-777-6507, Maryland Relay 711 or email

Advocacy Alert: Tuesday, November 20, 2018

2019-01-07T15:21:04-05:00November 20th, 2018|Action Alerts, Advocacy|

Nonprofit Montgomery is part of The Community Roundtable initiative which is co-convened by: Primary Care Coalition, WorkSource Montgomery, Montgomery County Food Council, and Nonprofit Montgomery.

Over the last 18 months we have convened four community roundtable meetings and engaged nearly 100 nonprofit and community leaders to discuss priorities for creating a more collaborative nonprofit sector. With the input gained during these convenings we have developed a vision statement for how the local government and nonprofit sector can continue to partner effectively to meet the needs of our rapidly changing community.

The Community Roundtable encourages you to sign on and endorse this vision, which highlights the need for joint projects that improve the lives of Montgomery County residents through effective collaborations among nonprofits and government agencies to achieve social and economic equity, prosperity, and healthy ecosystems.

Advocacy Alert: Wednesday, November 14, 2018

2019-01-07T15:21:04-05:00November 14th, 2018|Action Alerts, Advocacy|

As part of the County Executive leadership transition, Marc Elrich (County Executive-Elect) has created a transition team that will work toward the goals championed during his campaign. His team is holding “listening sessions” that will allow residents and stakeholders of the County an opportunity to have their voices heard. There is also an opportunity to submit comments online.

The County Executive-Elect’s initial goals are outlined by his Priority Outcomes and Key Indicators which are the “starting point for shared work to make life in our county better in measurable ways.” The transition team will also be tasked with creating the initial drafts of “strategic plans to make progress on each Key Indicator over the next five years.”

As Executive Director of Nonprofit Montgomery, I have been invited to be part of the transition team and will advocate and represent the nonprofit sector. I encourage all Nonprofit Montgomery members and the communities we serve to attend a listening session, and share with the County Executive-Elect your priorities and suggestions.

With thanks,
Lesley MacDonald
Executive Director

PS. View the official press release with the transition team list.

Advocacy Alert: Friday, October 19, 2018 – Update on Community Grants

2019-01-07T15:21:06-05:00October 19th, 2018|Action Alerts, Advocacy|

The October 9 Public Hearing on the OLO Report on Montgomery County Council Community Grants was well attended. Representatives of 25 nonprofits signed up to provide testimony on the report.  A special thanks to Nonprofit Montgomery members who provided testimony:

Abe Schuchman, Housing Unlimited
Cynthia Rubenstein, Passion for Learning
Shane Rock, Interfaith Works
Heather Bruskin, Montgomery County Food Council
Hillery Tsumba, Primary Care Coalition
Sara Hourwitz, NAMI Montgomery County
Debbie Ezrin, MCCH
Tho Tran, Vietnamese American Services
Nancy Leopold, CollegeTracks
Nancy Sushinsky, Rainbow Place Shelter


Montgomery County Council News and Updates

2018-10-11T20:37:57-04:00October 13th, 2018|Action Alerts, Advocacy|

Represent our sector and learn more at County Council committee sessions.Click here for the current committee schedule.

October 11 – HHS/GO, 9:30am 
Community Grants Program

October 15 – HHS/PS, 9:30am
Special Appropriation to HHS FY19 Operating Budget; $70,799 for Behavioral Health and Crisis Services for Adult Drug Court

October 22, HHS, 8:30am   
Meeting with HHS boards and commissions

October 24, 7pm – Special Event  
Youth Town Hall for Students of Montgomery County

October 29 – HHS/GO – 2pm      
Community Grants Program (continued)

November 15, HHS, 9:30am 

  • Discussion – Workgroup on People with Developmental Differences
  • Update – Youth Drop-In Center and Youth Homelessness
  • Inside (Not Outside) Update on Chronically Homeless Adults
County Council Grants Advisory Group Accepting ApplicationsMontgomery County Council is accepting applications for the FY20 Grants Advisory Group to review grant applications and to advise the Council on proposals received from the nonprofit community. Letters of interest and resumes are due to County.Council@montgomerycountymd.govby November 2, 4pm. Click here for more information.

Advocacy Action Alert: Friday, October 5, 2018

2019-01-07T15:21:07-05:00October 5th, 2018|Action Alerts, Advocacy|

Support the Sector: Testify on October 9
Provide Feedback and Testimonials to the Council

Dear Members,

We’ve just received word from the County Council that there is still space for nonprofits to sign up and testify at the Community Grants Public Forum on Tuesday, October 9 at 7:30pm. I will be there to testify on behalf of Nonprofit Montgomery, but we need additional people to testify to show the importance of these grants to the nonprofit sector.

I strongly urge you to read the Office of Legislative Oversight report on the Community Grants process and sign up to speak on October 9.

After reading the report, we appreciate the stated intent to improve the accountability, transparency, fairness and accessibility of the grants process. However we do want to include the reminder that nonprofits would like to help in the process of defining the future of community grants.

We ask that any and all members submit testimony and attend the forum if possible. It is critical that the voices of the nonprofit sector are represented at this forum. Please share your story on the importance of community grants is to your organization and the people you serve.

Public Forum on Community Grants
Tuesday, October 9, 7:30pm
100 Maryland Avenue, 3rd floor Hearing Room
Rockville, MD 20850

How to Testify
To testify at a Council public hearing, please sign up here or call 240-777-7803. You must bring 15 copies of their testimony to the hearing and to email a written copy 48 hours in advance of the hearing.

Let’s send a strong message about our sector’s interest in the community grants process. I look forward to seeing you on October 9.

With thanks,
Lesley MacDonald
Executive Director, Nonprofit Montgomery

Nonprofit Montgomery Advocacy

2018-04-07T19:10:09-04:00April 9th, 2018|Action Alerts, Advocacy|

The Montgomery County 2019 Operating budget does not include contract adjustments or inflationary increases for nonprofit contracts. Flat funding for nonprofit contracts across County departments means that providers are faced with the difficult choice of cutting essential services or searching for additional funding through limited outside sources to continue providing the same level of service.

Nonprofit Montgomery advocates for increases to County contracts to address these needs, in all departments that contract with nonprofit providers. We are hard at work preparing for budget advocacy meetings with our Councilmembers. Our messaging on behalf of the sector is strengthened when we bring multiple leaders together into the meeting rooms.

Our goal is to have at least 4-7 nonprofit leaders in the room for each meeting, who can speak about the impact of the county’s budget actions on their organizations and the people they serve. Even attending one can help make a difference for the county’s nonprofit sector and your organization. Please join us!

Councilmember Marc Elrich – Monday, April 9, 10am – FULL
Councilmember George Leventhal – Monday, April 9, 11:30am – FULL
Councilmember Craig Rice – Thursday, April 12, 10am
Councilmember Navarro – Thursday, April 12, 11am
Councilmember Sidney Katz – Thursday, April 12, 3:45pm
Councilmember Roger Berliner – Monday, April 16, noon (rescheduled from April 9)
Councilmember Nancy Floreen – Wednesday, April 18, 2pm
Office of Councilmember Hans Riemer – Thursday, April 19, 11am
Councilmember Tom Hucker – Thursday, April 26, noon

Please contact us if you are able to attend any of the above meetings. 
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