About Nonprofit Montgomery

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So far Nonprofit Montgomery has created 1868 blog entries.

New Job Opportunities

2022-03-23T10:54:35-04:00March 22nd, 2022|Job Opportunities|

We now require our members to include a salary on all job descriptions. Nonprofit Montgomery is working toward equity in the nonprofit sector in our county. This includes transparency in the hiring process.

Community Reach of Montgomery County: PT Managing Director; Front Desk for Kaseman Health Clinic; RN for Kaseman Health Clinic
The Civic Circle: AmeriCorps VISTA Member (Salary: $20,592)
Montgomery County Gilchrist Center: Office Assistant
Jubilee Association of MD: Director of Communications and DevelopmentProgram Manager–Bilingual (English/Spanish); and more
A Wider Circle: Corporate Partnerships ManagerAdvocate, Partnership to IndependenceResearch Associate, Programs; and more

FY23 Budget: A 6% Win!

2022-03-24T10:15:42-04:00March 22nd, 2022|Advocacy|

County Executive Marc Elrich’s FY23 budget contains unprecedented support for the County’s nonprofit organizations. The budget includes a 6% inflationary increase in nonprofit contracts in all departments, including Community Grants. This is the first time an inflationary increase has extended to all nonprofit contracts, and is by far the largest increase in memory.

Other items of note in the County Executive’s recommended budget:

The budget also includes the new Office of Grants Management to oversee Community Grants, and an Office of Food Resiliency.

MCCH Opens New Shelter

2022-03-24T09:59:55-04:00March 9th, 2022|Member News|

Congratulations to the team at Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless for opening the new men’s emergency homeless shelter that can serve up to 200 clients. The new shelter will serve as Montgomery County’s main shelter for men, serving some 750 clients a year with the goal of setting each of them on the path to more permanent housing. Learn more here.

Grants & Funding Opportunities

2022-03-09T11:53:43-05:00March 9th, 2022|Grants & Funding|

  • Bytes Foundation: low to no cost technology and related services to nonprofits
  • Maryland Office of Statewide Broadband Digital Equity Programs: submission deadline of March 31
    • Connected Communities Grant Program: designed to assist local community based organizations, non-profits, and anchor institutions in creating Gap Networks and Community Networks. These networks are designed to address the affordability challenge many low to moderate income household’s face in subscribing to the internet.
    • Digital Inclusion Grant Program: provides funding to local jurisdictions, 501(c) entities, and community based anchor institutions to further the state’s digital inclusion efforts. This grant opportunity will fund projects directed around digital inclusion planning and implementation.

Nonprofit Montgomery Advocacy Update

2022-03-09T11:53:03-05:00March 9th, 2022|Advocacy|

Recently Franca Brilliant, Nonprofit Montgomery’s Advocacy & Development Director, submitted testimony in support of Senate Bill 632: Maryland Health Benefit Exchange-Small Business and Nonprofit Health Insurance Subsidies Program. If passed, this bill would support nonprofits as well as small businesses and their employees, and will improve health equity in Maryland.

Join Us: Contract Conversations with DHHS

2022-03-09T11:52:26-05:00March 9th, 2022|Events|

Does your nonprofit have a contract with DHHS? Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about contracting processes and get updates on contract issues. Vickie Buckland, Chief Operating Officer, Department of Health and Human Services will join us for a candid conversation about contracts. Join us and learn: 

  • Why contract increases were late this year.
  • What you should do if you disagree with your contract monitor.
  • What lies ahead for FY23.

This is your opportunity to ask questions and express concerns about the contracting process.

When: Thursday, March 24, noon-1pm
Who: Nonprofits interested in providing feedback and learning more about DHHS contracts.
Where: on Zoom. Click here to register.

MHP Coordinates Aid to Families Affected by Fire

2022-03-09T12:01:55-05:00March 8th, 2022|Member News|

Demonstrating once again that nonprofits are essential in times of crisis, Nonprofit Montgomery member Montgomery Housing Partnership is taking the lead in efforts to help families affected by the Friendly Gardens apartment fire. Read more here and consider making a donation to the dedicated fund to help the families.

MORE: Metrics, Outcomes and Responsible Evaluation

2022-03-02T10:25:59-05:00March 2nd, 2022|Events, Training Opportunities|

Not sure how to evaluate your programs and work? Ready to take your data to the next level for grant applications and reporting? Consider MORE.

Nonprofit Montgomery’s MORE Training helps nonprofits learn about evaluation, and offers a deep dive into measuring impact and gauging program effectiveness.

MORE will strengthen your organization’s capacity to measure results by: understanding key evaluation terminology; assessing your organization’s capacity for evaluation; identifying external data and resources to strengthen evaluation efforts; and more.

MORE is a hands-on approach for nonprofits who are new to evaluation or who need to improve their evaluation practices. The program provides a framework for understanding evaluation and includes tools, individual consultation and time to plan as a team.

Who should participate: Nonprofit organizations located in or serving the residents of Montgomery County. Nonprofits participate in MORE as a team of up to four senior leaders.
When: March 14, 21, 28, April 4, 11, all 10:30am-noon and consultations in April/May
Cost: $25 for Nonprofit Montgomery members (4 people) and $525 for non-members.

Register for MORE

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