Here is the savings plan and accompanying memo that was transmitted July 8, 2015, from County Executive Leggett to the County Council.
While there is not an opportunity for oral public comment before the County Council’s final actions in late July, your voice and presence matter to these deliberations and, potentially, to future deliberations as the county adjusts to unfolding fiscal realities.
- Email the County Council as a group or individually.
- Attend the County Council Committees’ Budget Savings Plan Review Sessions (see schedule below); these are all open meetings and most will be televised live.
- Communicate with County Executive Leggett and staff in the relevant departments.
- Mobilize your community, clients, staff, volunteers and board members.
We recognize the very difficult fiscal spot the County finds itself in with lower than projected revenues and we appreciate the obvious care that has been taken to try to spread the pain and minimize the impact of cuts. Still, let’s remind our elected leaders that the budget cannot be balanced on the backs of our most vulnerable neighbors.